Monday, November 30, 2015

"Kindness is the essence of greatness"
-Joseph B. Wirthlin

Reflection: This quote reflects that being kind is a big part of your character. With kindness leads to greatness. Kindness is a huge deal it reflects who you are. If your worthy to live up to the good of this world. For an example a cheerleader is a motivation for school spirit in football games. It wouldn't be right that a cheerleader was not kind to others. That refelcts what kind of person they are. I agree with this quote because it's a true fact. It's not to late to change your mind. Kindness is a essence of greatness.

Thanksgiving Week
A. What i did the past week was spending the time with my family and friends. We watched tv shows and movies. Then we ate and drank some applesider. B. Me and my family stayed at home, but my dad would be working except on Thanksgiving Day. Then on Saturday my parents took us to watch a movie. C. I didn't meet anyone during Thanksgiving day becaue our family did it among ourselves. On the Thanksgiving week I meet my cousin again in a long time on her day of her birthday. D. The movies I've watched were The Good Dinosour, Tarzan, Toy story 3, Tangled. E. I came to school to practice basketball this thanksgiving week. I also watched soccer with my dad. F. An CTR experience would be that I listen to my dad when he told me to finish my chores. G. Books I read was To Kill a Mockingbird for homework. H. Homework i did was to read To Kill a Mockingbird, Geometry packet, late work for physiology, ap packet. I. I also slept a lot and I would eat a lot of junk food. Watch a lot of tv shows. My old friend came to visit me and brought me a small gift.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is wrong do not say it."
- Marcus Aurelius

Reflection: This quote is stating that do not do wrong and by thats makes you doing the right. If something isnt right you dont say it because its the right thing to do. if something is wrong then you dont do it because its the right thing to do. Overall, the quote is stating that you always have to be the better person by choosing the right. Choosing the right makes you a better person because you are doing the right thing. This quote is understandable because sometimes we go through this. We can start by doing better choices if we havent. It's also good because it can make you a better person if you werent one. An example if you were told to lie to someone you shouldnt do it, it isnt the right thing to do. In the end you have a choice to either go with it or agaisnt it.
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is an expression giving thanks and gratitude on November 28. The history of thanksgiving is pilgrims use to celebrate as a part of religion. To celebrate the first thankginig celebrations in the colonies. In 1863, in the middle of Civil War President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

  • I'm thankful for my family
  • I'm thankful for my grandparents
  • I'm thankful that im in good health
  • I'm thankful for my friends
  • I'm thankful foe having food 
  • I'm thankful for being alive
  • I'm thankful for my home
  • I'm thankful for my pets
  • I'm thankful for God
  • I'm thankful for having an opportunity going to school
  • I'm thankful for my parents jobs
  •  I'm thanful for clothes

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
- Chick Moorman

Reflection: This quote is stating that winning or losing doesnt matter it matter's if you played fair and right. Don't play along with cheat because you know thats the wrong thing to do. Sometimes winning isnt always important just that you played fair and right. Loosing isnt always important it's okay to lose just that it counts if you played right. It doesn't always have to be a competition it can be with a test, quz, friendship, etc. When a teacher gives you a test they expect you not to cheat off someone else's, they expect you to be fair, honorable, and do what is right. These competitions could help you improve your trustworthy skills and playing fair. Also it can happen around your house were you and your little siblings play, then your parents come home and they have told you to clean and the you blame it on your siblings. That shows a way of not doing the right thing. But then you confess but feel good about your conscientiousness and get punished for your act.

Friday, November 13, 2015

''1. Have the courage to say no.

2. Have the courage to face the truth.

3. Do the right thing because its right.

These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity''.

-W. Clement Stone

Reflection: This quote is stating that to have courage to stand what you believe its right. The 3 keys gets us were we want to live with integrity. People will come along the way and might be a good thing or a bad thing. People might change you or have some kind of influence on you tht can make better or worse. But you have the 3 magic keys to living life with integrity. The 3 keys will keep you in balance if you follow them. When you have the 3 magic keys people might disagree. People might say its just a waste of time lets go have some fun. Thats just a trick because every choice has its own consequence. Have the courage to say no when you know its not the right action. have the corage to face the truth in good or bad situations because your being truth to yourself. Do the right thing because its right anytime or anyday.
Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities: a health science librarian is a person who provides medical information through books, pamphlets, journals, tapes, etc.
Salary: $58,000
Education: a health science librarian must graduate from high school passing English, Math, Typing and Science. A four year bachelor’s degree in computer science and science. A master’s degree in library science.
Reflection: I think I wouldn’t like to be a health science librarian because I rather be a teacher or pediatrician. Science isn’t a really good subject of mine and my communication skills aren’t there yet. Being a health science librarian seems interesting but eye doesn’t catch on this job.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                        Veterans Day
What is Veterans Day?
Veterans Day is a public holiday for the anniversary of the end of World War 1 to honor US veterans and victims of the war.
When is it?
November 11
What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
After World War 1, Korean War, and Armistice War it became Veterans Day. A holiday dedicated to American Veterans of all wars.
Why is it important to show honor on Veterans Day?
It’s important because it is a way of acknowledging the sacrifices they have made while serving our country.
List several ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day
       I.            Attend a veterans day event around area
     II.            Donate money
  III.            Fly a flag correctly
  IV.            Write a postcard to a known veteran
    V.            Visit a VH hospital

REFLECTION: My feeling towards Veterans Day is just giving thanks to all veterans who are still here today and those who passed away. It is important to always give honor to a veteran because they stood up with freedom. Without freedom America wouldn’t be how it is today. There is a day to honor and give thanks to veterans but they shouldn’t just be appreciated just that day, they should be appreciated every day for their service in our country. For me I never really recognize Veterans Day but now I do and am glad they are here and get honored by many people. To honor the veterans I would fly a flag.

Friday, November 6, 2015

 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
-Proverbs 13:20


Reflection: This quote states that your future depends on who you walk on the way. For example groups of friends you hangout with. If you are with a group of people who want to be succesful then you are most likely to be succesful. If you are with a group of people who dont want to be successful then your most likely not be successful too. Most of us want to be successful in life. Example the group of friends you have can bring you up, or bring you down. People who bring you up can help you with your studies, projects, homework, etc. that would lead up to graduation. Meaning you accomplish and is the next step to go to college. If your group is with bad companionship they might distract you from school, homework, etc.They might lead to school drop out, drugs, alcohol, etc. You have the choice with who you want to walk with.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"The best recreation is to do good."
- William Penn

Reflection: This quote is reflecting that to make up what all you have done in the past is best to be and do good. It is better to do good because thats the best feeling in the entire world. For example for me whenever i do something good like helping an elder person with there grociers and the "Thank You" is the best feeling because you are helping others other than yourself. Most of us were taught to do good. Being and doing good is the way everyone should be caring for others, helping in anyway they can. Some individuals dont have a person to look up to, they might see other do good and they might change to do good for others. While reading this quote someone can remember the good deeds they did, or dont have a good deed to remember. This quote really inspired me to do something not just today, but any day i can. Someone new can recreate him or herself to do good. It's never to recreate yourself to do good !!

Monday, November 2, 2015

 "Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it." 
-William Penn

Reflection: This quote states that right is right and wrong is wrong. Meaning that when someone does good is right. And when someone does bad then is wrong. It is using common sense. You know whats the diffrence between right and wrong obviously. We were taught whats right and wrong its right to clean after your dishes when your are done eating. It is wrong if you leave your room messy and un organize. Now that we are more mature we get to choose what is the difference of right and wrong. Some people would stick to what they were taught. Others would make up their own method of what to do. At the end of the day you decide whether what you do is right or wrong.

Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities: A Health Educator is a person who promotes, maintains, and improves individual and community health.
Salary (annual): $41,830
Education: Health Educators require at least a high school diploma and a bachelor’s degree. Many employees require a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) credential.
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Reflection: I don’t think I would like to be a Health educator. I wouldn’t like to be one because I would mostly like to be just a regular teacher. Also because I know our health is important, but that  topic doesn’t really fit with me.