Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Final Part 1 and 2
Class / Self Evaluation

What I like about this class is that we get to learn new quotes about people. Either famous people or not famous people. Because the quote makes you think of yourself and others. I also like when we finish our work we get free time, either to work on our hw, use computer or phone. Also when he does ctr card check we get candy if we have with us. What i didn't like is when we share our post with the microphone to the class. I think the classroom is fine of how it is being functioned, everything is in order if someone doesn't listen. I really did try my best because in this class like how I do in all of my classes. I think I would be CTR person, because I was thought as a child to always do the right thing. I think it's an easy path if you do what's right.

Monday, December 14, 2015

IDP Showcase

Summary: The topic was given about Measles. My part of the presentation was to research the Body Effects of the disease it causes. I learned plenty of informstion of measles. How it's contegious, from 1980-2014 were cause of many deaths. This was my first time presenting in front of professional individuals. Because I transferd from another academy. It benefited me by helping me get over my fear of presenting my IDP. Now I have an experince and now I know what to expect. Our presentation went really well. My group and I said all of our parts and explained our creative element.

"Always do right"
-Mark Twain

Reflection: This quote reflects to always do what's right. When you do what's right you feel good about it. Not a lot of people do what's right. Some steal, do drugs, murder, etc. Because they weren't doing the right thing when they were younger. Most of the people were raised with good guidance and some weren't. Everything starts at home. An example is you were told to always be home by your curfew, but your friends said to stay a little while at the party so you did. It when from minutes to hours. You finally come home your parents are waiting for you. You were to drunk and your parents arent going to let you go outside with your frinds anymore because you didn't do what's right. Another example can be that you are going to stay afterschool to study for a big final. Your parents seem that's fine. But your friends come and say to go to their house and smoke. They try convicing you but you told them that you needed to study and that's not going to help. You did what's right being staying and studying for the final.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."
- Evan Stephens

Reflection: This quote is reflecting that doing right is a good thing to not fear. Meaning when you do right you feel happy, not fear. If you did wrong and you know you did wrong then you need to fear. Because every bad action has a consequence. When you do what's right for example help out a friend in a homework. By studying together, correcting eachother, etc. Another example would be instead of studying together your going to cheat so you won't do the work. That would have a right to fear because you didn't do the right. I agree with this quote because it's true. I think it's true because it has happened to me when I'm studying for a test, etc.

Friday, December 4, 2015

1. Can people trust me to do what's right?

2. Am I committed to doing my very best?

3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?

"If the answers to these question's are YES, there is no way you can fail."

- Lou Holtz

Reflection: This quote is reflecting that there is a way to know if you qre going to fail or succed in life. That is if you answer these questions with a yes you are going to be successful. If you answer these question's with a no then you'll see failure in your life. These questions's are asked because these are true and would reflect what kind of person you are. If your right for the job, etc. I answered these questions and i had all yes's. Because I follow these questions everyday. Yes, I think this quote is true. Some people follow it and some people don't. It's not to late to choose the right.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and crtive intellectuall activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle amd complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."

Reflection: This quote reflects that physical fitness is dynamic to creative intellectual activity. It's important to keep a healthy body and mind. With having a healthy body and mind everything becomes complex. Keeping healthy is really important but what is important is that intelligence. Keeping your body healthy helps your mind. When your studying for a test, quiz, etc. This quote is true because a healthy helps the healthy mind.

Rome, Italy

Rome is the capital of Italy, filled with art and architecture. Rome is known for the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Tower of Pisa, Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel frescoes. Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus. Rome became the capital city of Italy in 1870. Rome is known as the "Eternal City'. Rome's population is  2.627 million. In the ealry fourth century romans had built a road network of 53, 000 miles. Modern rome has 280 fountains and 900 churches. Rome was built in seven hills, a term coined to describe the Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, etc. Rome built the first-ever shopping mall between 107 and 110 AD. It was built by Emperor Trojan in Rome. Julius Ceaser was the one who introduced the modern 12 month calendar. I would like to go there it looks really amazing and interesting.

Monday, November 30, 2015

"Kindness is the essence of greatness"
-Joseph B. Wirthlin

Reflection: This quote reflects that being kind is a big part of your character. With kindness leads to greatness. Kindness is a huge deal it reflects who you are. If your worthy to live up to the good of this world. For an example a cheerleader is a motivation for school spirit in football games. It wouldn't be right that a cheerleader was not kind to others. That refelcts what kind of person they are. I agree with this quote because it's a true fact. It's not to late to change your mind. Kindness is a essence of greatness.

Thanksgiving Week
A. What i did the past week was spending the time with my family and friends. We watched tv shows and movies. Then we ate and drank some applesider. B. Me and my family stayed at home, but my dad would be working except on Thanksgiving Day. Then on Saturday my parents took us to watch a movie. C. I didn't meet anyone during Thanksgiving day becaue our family did it among ourselves. On the Thanksgiving week I meet my cousin again in a long time on her day of her birthday. D. The movies I've watched were The Good Dinosour, Tarzan, Toy story 3, Tangled. E. I came to school to practice basketball this thanksgiving week. I also watched soccer with my dad. F. An CTR experience would be that I listen to my dad when he told me to finish my chores. G. Books I read was To Kill a Mockingbird for homework. H. Homework i did was to read To Kill a Mockingbird, Geometry packet, late work for physiology, ap packet. I. I also slept a lot and I would eat a lot of junk food. Watch a lot of tv shows. My old friend came to visit me and brought me a small gift.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is wrong do not say it."
- Marcus Aurelius

Reflection: This quote is stating that do not do wrong and by thats makes you doing the right. If something isnt right you dont say it because its the right thing to do. if something is wrong then you dont do it because its the right thing to do. Overall, the quote is stating that you always have to be the better person by choosing the right. Choosing the right makes you a better person because you are doing the right thing. This quote is understandable because sometimes we go through this. We can start by doing better choices if we havent. It's also good because it can make you a better person if you werent one. An example if you were told to lie to someone you shouldnt do it, it isnt the right thing to do. In the end you have a choice to either go with it or agaisnt it.
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is an expression giving thanks and gratitude on November 28. The history of thanksgiving is pilgrims use to celebrate as a part of religion. To celebrate the first thankginig celebrations in the colonies. In 1863, in the middle of Civil War President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

  • I'm thankful for my family
  • I'm thankful for my grandparents
  • I'm thankful that im in good health
  • I'm thankful for my friends
  • I'm thankful foe having food 
  • I'm thankful for being alive
  • I'm thankful for my home
  • I'm thankful for my pets
  • I'm thankful for God
  • I'm thankful for having an opportunity going to school
  • I'm thankful for my parents jobs
  •  I'm thanful for clothes

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
- Chick Moorman

Reflection: This quote is stating that winning or losing doesnt matter it matter's if you played fair and right. Don't play along with cheat because you know thats the wrong thing to do. Sometimes winning isnt always important just that you played fair and right. Loosing isnt always important it's okay to lose just that it counts if you played right. It doesn't always have to be a competition it can be with a test, quz, friendship, etc. When a teacher gives you a test they expect you not to cheat off someone else's, they expect you to be fair, honorable, and do what is right. These competitions could help you improve your trustworthy skills and playing fair. Also it can happen around your house were you and your little siblings play, then your parents come home and they have told you to clean and the you blame it on your siblings. That shows a way of not doing the right thing. But then you confess but feel good about your conscientiousness and get punished for your act.

Friday, November 13, 2015

''1. Have the courage to say no.

2. Have the courage to face the truth.

3. Do the right thing because its right.

These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity''.

-W. Clement Stone

Reflection: This quote is stating that to have courage to stand what you believe its right. The 3 keys gets us were we want to live with integrity. People will come along the way and might be a good thing or a bad thing. People might change you or have some kind of influence on you tht can make better or worse. But you have the 3 magic keys to living life with integrity. The 3 keys will keep you in balance if you follow them. When you have the 3 magic keys people might disagree. People might say its just a waste of time lets go have some fun. Thats just a trick because every choice has its own consequence. Have the courage to say no when you know its not the right action. have the corage to face the truth in good or bad situations because your being truth to yourself. Do the right thing because its right anytime or anyday.
Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities: a health science librarian is a person who provides medical information through books, pamphlets, journals, tapes, etc.
Salary: $58,000
Education: a health science librarian must graduate from high school passing English, Math, Typing and Science. A four year bachelor’s degree in computer science and science. A master’s degree in library science.
Reflection: I think I wouldn’t like to be a health science librarian because I rather be a teacher or pediatrician. Science isn’t a really good subject of mine and my communication skills aren’t there yet. Being a health science librarian seems interesting but eye doesn’t catch on this job.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                        Veterans Day
What is Veterans Day?
Veterans Day is a public holiday for the anniversary of the end of World War 1 to honor US veterans and victims of the war.
When is it?
November 11
What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
After World War 1, Korean War, and Armistice War it became Veterans Day. A holiday dedicated to American Veterans of all wars.
Why is it important to show honor on Veterans Day?
It’s important because it is a way of acknowledging the sacrifices they have made while serving our country.
List several ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day
       I.            Attend a veterans day event around area
     II.            Donate money
  III.            Fly a flag correctly
  IV.            Write a postcard to a known veteran
    V.            Visit a VH hospital

REFLECTION: My feeling towards Veterans Day is just giving thanks to all veterans who are still here today and those who passed away. It is important to always give honor to a veteran because they stood up with freedom. Without freedom America wouldn’t be how it is today. There is a day to honor and give thanks to veterans but they shouldn’t just be appreciated just that day, they should be appreciated every day for their service in our country. For me I never really recognize Veterans Day but now I do and am glad they are here and get honored by many people. To honor the veterans I would fly a flag.

Friday, November 6, 2015

 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
-Proverbs 13:20


Reflection: This quote states that your future depends on who you walk on the way. For example groups of friends you hangout with. If you are with a group of people who want to be succesful then you are most likely to be succesful. If you are with a group of people who dont want to be successful then your most likely not be successful too. Most of us want to be successful in life. Example the group of friends you have can bring you up, or bring you down. People who bring you up can help you with your studies, projects, homework, etc. that would lead up to graduation. Meaning you accomplish and is the next step to go to college. If your group is with bad companionship they might distract you from school, homework, etc.They might lead to school drop out, drugs, alcohol, etc. You have the choice with who you want to walk with.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"The best recreation is to do good."
- William Penn

Reflection: This quote is reflecting that to make up what all you have done in the past is best to be and do good. It is better to do good because thats the best feeling in the entire world. For example for me whenever i do something good like helping an elder person with there grociers and the "Thank You" is the best feeling because you are helping others other than yourself. Most of us were taught to do good. Being and doing good is the way everyone should be caring for others, helping in anyway they can. Some individuals dont have a person to look up to, they might see other do good and they might change to do good for others. While reading this quote someone can remember the good deeds they did, or dont have a good deed to remember. This quote really inspired me to do something not just today, but any day i can. Someone new can recreate him or herself to do good. It's never to recreate yourself to do good !!

Monday, November 2, 2015

 "Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it." 
-William Penn

Reflection: This quote states that right is right and wrong is wrong. Meaning that when someone does good is right. And when someone does bad then is wrong. It is using common sense. You know whats the diffrence between right and wrong obviously. We were taught whats right and wrong its right to clean after your dishes when your are done eating. It is wrong if you leave your room messy and un organize. Now that we are more mature we get to choose what is the difference of right and wrong. Some people would stick to what they were taught. Others would make up their own method of what to do. At the end of the day you decide whether what you do is right or wrong.

Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities: A Health Educator is a person who promotes, maintains, and improves individual and community health.
Salary (annual): $41,830
Education: Health Educators require at least a high school diploma and a bachelor’s degree. Many employees require a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) credential.
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Reflection: I don’t think I would like to be a Health educator. I wouldn’t like to be one because I would mostly like to be just a regular teacher. Also because I know our health is important, but that  topic doesn’t really fit with me.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Duties and Responsibilities: An engineer is a professional practitioner with a lot of knowledge on math, and ingenuity to resolve technical problems.

Education: a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering for entry-level mechanical engineering jobs. Requires general classes math, science, social science, humanities.

Salary: $76,140

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Reflection: I think I would like to be an engineer because I think my science and math are one of my favorite classes. At the same time I don’t think I want to be a engineer because its seems dangerous. If you make one mistake everything is ruined.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"Dont sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often"
- Peter Vidmar

Reflection: This quote is stating that we should start by doing what we want to achieve instead of just saying which wont change anything. You need to work hard to achieve any goal or desire. Nobody can decide on your future, only you can decide. Which that takes a lot of responsibility because whatever you do now is going to affect your future. Teenagers dont really focus on the future because they are leaving in the present, they focus on homework, sport, grades, gf/bf, etc. There are also teenager who do think about the future on college, work, rent, bill, etc. Some of the goals you want to achieve can be impossible. Nothing is impossible if you work your butt off. Because hard work payss of to the people who work hard. The point is that you start focusing on your future because time flies fast.

Healthcare Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities: A Healthcare Administrator takes charge of health system, healthcare system, hospitals, and hospital network.

Salary: $64,821 per year

Education: Many high-level health care administrators have a master’s degree on public health or business. A bachelor’s degree is necessary for the entry-level positions, for employment in smaller facilities for healthcare experience.

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Reflection: A healthcare administrator seems to be an interesting job, but I think this job isn’t for me. I think this job isn’t for me because I still have to work on my leadership skills and communication. That is a big conflict with me mostly the communication skills.

Friday, October 23, 2015

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
Proverbs 22:1

Reflection: This quote states that a good name is better than great riches. Meaning riches isnt really important because we usually take it for granted. A good name is always with us nobody can take away our good name, only ourself. When someone hears your name they always remember you with a good or bad thought. Mostly people see good if they really know the well. If you did something bad then youll know how they hear your name. It's never to late to change your name to good. Example "Malala Yousafzai", we know she got shot by the Talibans for going to school. Malala has a good name for standing up for what she believes in, bravery, strong, independent. The Talibans have a bad name for empowering young woman to not go to school, murders.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"
-Coach K
Reflection: This quote states that having a good name is really important. It's really important because when people hear your name, they would automatically know you and all the good deeds or actions you have done. If you did something bad or disrespectful when people hear your name they would know what kind of person you are. Having a good name is better than anything you can achive in life. Having a good name would mean that you work hard at school, helped other, and other good actions. Sometimes have a good name & good sports men ship can get you to college. Because you have a good name and would attend to college or start your career. A bad name would bring bad news. Maybe didnt care about an education, didnt obey parents, etc. Couldnt go to college because never finished highschool. So, having a good name is pretty important, its never to late to reconsider.


Monday, October 19, 2015

"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."
-Thomas S. Monson

Reflection: This quote reflects that stand up for yourself when you kow things arent right. There would be a time where your friends would like to do something you dont want to do. Peer pressure comes along you dont always have to do what your friends do. Do the right thing by standing up for yourself. Sometimes your friends wont understand, and might make fun of you. But it is better to stand for right than to stand for wrong. Sometimes actions have consequences. Youll be the light that they see whe they are doing the wrong. Maybe someone will stand up with you if they realize they have been standing for wrong. If not then they had made the choice and youll be the light for others to follow.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself"
- Noemi Trigueros
Reflection: This quote reflects that ctr champion makes a great human out of him/herself. Because you are making good choices and making good choices makes you a better person. And being good comes with its own reward. The reward would be making your parents and family memebers happy. Making youself happy because now you are old enough to make your own choices. The choices you are making now will help you in the future. Now you wont have trouble on going in the bad direction, because you know whats the right choice to make. And being the ctr champion is the best champion you can be. Because its important than any other champion because you are doing the right thing. And if you are doin the right thing then you are choosing the right!!!

Ear, Nose and Throat
(ENT) Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: Are physicians trained and in the medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases or disorders of the ear, nose, throat.
Salary: $302,500
Education: (ENT) Specialist need to have a bachelor’s degree, attend to a medical school 3-4 years and then earn an M.D degree so you can practice with medicine on your own. Medical residency, a license to practice medicine, and a board certificate.
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Reflection: I think I would like to be one. Because I am helping other people with their health problems and that makes me feel good about myself. Even though it’s just work I would like to meet people.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"Success is not an acciddent. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow?"
-Alan Stein

Reflection: This quote states that success is a given choice. You either take the choice or you just ignore it. Because all we do in our daily lives is make choices not accidents. You have a choice if you want to succes in life, thats if you make the choice. All we do is to prepare us for our future, our future can be as an engineer, doctor, lawyer, teacher, anything. But we need to succed in life. All we need to do so we have a better tomorrow is succes in our lifes. If our habits arent good, then we need to try our best to find succes in our lifes. Because in the end hardwork pays off. With that our future would be the dreams we always dreamt about.


Friday, October 9, 2015

"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer  an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block".
-James E. Faust

Reflection: This quote states that the more the obedient you are the less stumbling blocks there are. And that turns into a building block, creating a building of goals. So we want to be obedient to have alot of goals to create a goal building. And by that we need to be obedient, to achieve and make a goal happen so there would be more room for other goals in your life. And when your done with all your goals, you can rebuild a goal building again. For all of this to all happen you need obedience in your life. Obedience is always fun too, you can try new things when you have your freedom. Odidience makes you a better person. An example people can rely on you, trust you, and depend on you. And obedience takes alot of hardwork but in the end your hardwork pays off.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do." - Alex Linares

Reflection: This quote reflects that if you choose the right, your making the right choice.If you choose the wrong, then that would be a bad choice.

Example: An example can be you have two choices you either go with your friends and watch a movie that your parents know or you go to a party that your parents don't know about. To choose the right it would be to go watch the movie with your friends that your parents know about.

Duties and Responsibilities: Dermatologists are medical experts on any significant problem with your skin. Dermatology is concerned with the diagnosis with your skin, and even hair and nails.

Salary: Dermatologist in the U.S salary is $283,000, with a range of $100,000 to $500,000.

Education: Earning a Bachelor’s degree, going to medical school and becoming a medical doctor or doctor. Need to take an internship for 1 year and, take dermatology for at least 3 years.

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Reflection: I think I would like to be a dermatologist. It seems fun and interesting, I really like helping people.

Monday, October 5, 2015

"Obedience is central to become, being, and remaining happy"

Reflection: This quote reflects that obedience is the way to being happy. If you do the opposite of obedience then you are going to be sad, and nobody likes to feel sad.

Example: If you obey to your parents, then your going to make them happy and youdelf happy.


-David Bedmar
Primary School Teacher
Duties and Responsibilities: A Teacher’s responsibility is to help children in their early school life. This is where all children start to learn and progress.
Salary: 22,244 to 32,831 a year
Education: To become a teacher you need a bachelor’s degree, student teaching experience, and a teaching certificate.
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Reflection: Yes, I think I would like to be a primary school teacher. I would like to because I like being around little kids and I like playing with my little siblings.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."
-John Wooden

Reflection: This quote reflects that you are more than what you or people see you as.

Example: An example of playing a sport in this case your more than just an athlete.


                                Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: A dental assistant is an assistant that helps the dental operator, by passing equipment during procedure, preparing the patient for procedure, etc.
Salary (annual): $34,500
Education: To become a dental assistant you can go to a university or dental school, community college, etc. It doesn’t take long to become a dental assistant because it only takes 9-11 months. After graduating they receive a certificate.
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Reflection: I think I would like to be a dental assistant, because it seems really interesting and exciting.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

'' True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse."

Reflection: This quote reflects that the wealth example money, property, etc. isn't really all that matters it is only going to make you happy for a short period of time. When you start using it for something else than yourself, example changing the world, helping someone in need changing their life as much its going to change yours.

Example: An example is using your wealth in charity. Donating money to a homeless shelter, animal shelter, etc.


Duties and Responsibilities: A dentist known as a dental surgeon is a doctor who specializes on diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases in the oral cavity.
Salary: 149,310
Education: Most dentists obtain a doctoral or professional degree. Class courses required biology, anatomy, chemistry, and microbiology.
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Reflection: I think I wouldn’t like to be a dentist, because I don’t like seeing other individual’s mouth or teeth. Even though I need to be professional.

Friday, September 25, 2015

       "You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."

Reflection: This quote reflects that in order to do something good you need to feel good, and if you do something bad then you must feel bad. And in this case you can't feel good about something you did bad.

Example:An example of a good action is passing an exam. You passing an exam with an A is good, and you feeling right about your exam score.

An example of a bad situation would be not passing a class. You made the decision of not passing the class, and the outcome is feeling wrong about it.


                                              Ezra T. Benson

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

     "When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad."

Reflection: The quote reflects that the action we use, we either bring positive or negative feedback.

Example: An example for doing good would be helping your parents out in the house, cleaning your room, clearing the sink, fixing the living room, etc. The feedback would be your parents happy & them buying you something because you deserve it.

An example would be doing bad of going to a party late at night and getting drunk with your friends. The feedback would be afterwards getting a hangover and being punished for your actions.


                         Abraham Lincoln 

Friday, September 18, 2015


"The key to freedom is obedience.The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have"

Reflection: This quote reflects that the more we obey the rules at school, home or any other place means we have more freedom than those who don't obey anything.

Example: An example can be if you obey your house rules, then your parents will have enough trust to let you do whatever you want that doesnt break any  of there rules.


                                  Boyd K. Packer

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

             "Obedience is the great test of life"

Reflection: This quote reflects that the most important test of all is life with obedience. Because life has unexpected bumps along the way that prepare you for life.

Example: For example if you were told you had a test tomorrow obedience would help you prepare and study for the test. Giving the example meaning always being obedient you'll successed the test of life.

                         Thomas S. Monson 
Duties and Responsibilities: A cardiologist is a doctor who specializes on treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Salary:  $512,000
Education: Cardiologist’s need to obtain a bachelor’s degree and enroll to a medical school program. After graduating they need to complete several years of medicine and cardiology.
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I would like to become a cardiologist because it seems fun and interesting. Learning how the heart works and functions. It might take a few years to become a cardiologist but it will be worth it.

Friday, September 11, 2015

                              911 Memorial
September 11, 2001 was an ordinary day that ended up not as an ordinary day. It all started in Manhattan, New York people going to work and children going to school. 1 plane hits the Twin Tower, at 9:02 am another plane hits the second Twin Tower. then another plane hits the pentagon and the other planed was stirred away from washington to pennsylvania.
Image result for 911 pictures of the twin towers

I feel very sad because of the families who lost brothers sisters and moms and dads.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

" Education is the latch key to success in life"

Reflection: the quote reflects that having an education can make your life and you a better person.
Image result for 911 pictures of the twin towers
Example: You are prepared for the world out there because you had an education and education prepared you for a job and a career and that means you success in life.

Gordon B. Hinckley