Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"Dont sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often"
- Peter Vidmar

Reflection: This quote is stating that we should start by doing what we want to achieve instead of just saying which wont change anything. You need to work hard to achieve any goal or desire. Nobody can decide on your future, only you can decide. Which that takes a lot of responsibility because whatever you do now is going to affect your future. Teenagers dont really focus on the future because they are leaving in the present, they focus on homework, sport, grades, gf/bf, etc. There are also teenager who do think about the future on college, work, rent, bill, etc. Some of the goals you want to achieve can be impossible. Nothing is impossible if you work your butt off. Because hard work payss of to the people who work hard. The point is that you start focusing on your future because time flies fast.


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