Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Final Part 1 and 2
Class / Self Evaluation

What I like about this class is that we get to learn new quotes about people. Either famous people or not famous people. Because the quote makes you think of yourself and others. I also like when we finish our work we get free time, either to work on our hw, use computer or phone. Also when he does ctr card check we get candy if we have with us. What i didn't like is when we share our post with the microphone to the class. I think the classroom is fine of how it is being functioned, everything is in order if someone doesn't listen. I really did try my best because in this class like how I do in all of my classes. I think I would be CTR person, because I was thought as a child to always do the right thing. I think it's an easy path if you do what's right.

Monday, December 14, 2015

IDP Showcase

Summary: The topic was given about Measles. My part of the presentation was to research the Body Effects of the disease it causes. I learned plenty of informstion of measles. How it's contegious, from 1980-2014 were cause of many deaths. This was my first time presenting in front of professional individuals. Because I transferd from another academy. It benefited me by helping me get over my fear of presenting my IDP. Now I have an experince and now I know what to expect. Our presentation went really well. My group and I said all of our parts and explained our creative element.

"Always do right"
-Mark Twain

Reflection: This quote reflects to always do what's right. When you do what's right you feel good about it. Not a lot of people do what's right. Some steal, do drugs, murder, etc. Because they weren't doing the right thing when they were younger. Most of the people were raised with good guidance and some weren't. Everything starts at home. An example is you were told to always be home by your curfew, but your friends said to stay a little while at the party so you did. It when from minutes to hours. You finally come home your parents are waiting for you. You were to drunk and your parents arent going to let you go outside with your frinds anymore because you didn't do what's right. Another example can be that you are going to stay afterschool to study for a big final. Your parents seem that's fine. But your friends come and say to go to their house and smoke. They try convicing you but you told them that you needed to study and that's not going to help. You did what's right being staying and studying for the final.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."
- Evan Stephens

Reflection: This quote is reflecting that doing right is a good thing to not fear. Meaning when you do right you feel happy, not fear. If you did wrong and you know you did wrong then you need to fear. Because every bad action has a consequence. When you do what's right for example help out a friend in a homework. By studying together, correcting eachother, etc. Another example would be instead of studying together your going to cheat so you won't do the work. That would have a right to fear because you didn't do the right. I agree with this quote because it's true. I think it's true because it has happened to me when I'm studying for a test, etc.

Friday, December 4, 2015

1. Can people trust me to do what's right?

2. Am I committed to doing my very best?

3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?

"If the answers to these question's are YES, there is no way you can fail."

- Lou Holtz

Reflection: This quote is reflecting that there is a way to know if you qre going to fail or succed in life. That is if you answer these questions with a yes you are going to be successful. If you answer these question's with a no then you'll see failure in your life. These questions's are asked because these are true and would reflect what kind of person you are. If your right for the job, etc. I answered these questions and i had all yes's. Because I follow these questions everyday. Yes, I think this quote is true. Some people follow it and some people don't. It's not to late to choose the right.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and crtive intellectuall activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle amd complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."

Reflection: This quote reflects that physical fitness is dynamic to creative intellectual activity. It's important to keep a healthy body and mind. With having a healthy body and mind everything becomes complex. Keeping healthy is really important but what is important is that intelligence. Keeping your body healthy helps your mind. When your studying for a test, quiz, etc. This quote is true because a healthy helps the healthy mind.

Rome, Italy

Rome is the capital of Italy, filled with art and architecture. Rome is known for the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Tower of Pisa, Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel frescoes. Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus. Rome became the capital city of Italy in 1870. Rome is known as the "Eternal City'. Rome's population is  2.627 million. In the ealry fourth century romans had built a road network of 53, 000 miles. Modern rome has 280 fountains and 900 churches. Rome was built in seven hills, a term coined to describe the Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, etc. Rome built the first-ever shopping mall between 107 and 110 AD. It was built by Emperor Trojan in Rome. Julius Ceaser was the one who introduced the modern 12 month calendar. I would like to go there it looks really amazing and interesting.